Have you been ignoring your hair too much? Or are you limited on time to look after your locks? Are you on the lookout for some quick routine care to add to your busy schedule? If yes, then here is a short and comprehensive guide to help you adopt healthy hair habits that will not demand a lot of your time.

Despite strong genetics, it is still essential for individuals to incorporate a hair care routine and a healthy diet into their lifestyle. Although there is not much that goes into repairing and maintaining those locks, compliance is the key here. As exhausting as it is presumed to be, hair care does not require daily attention. You may follow the tips as frequently as 3 to 4 times per week, or even less, and you are already maintaining the healthiest hair ever.

1. Are You Even Eating Right?

Good food is as essential to our hair as to our body. As superficial as haircare may sound, eventually, it all boils down to what you eat to sustain your body and hair. Since our hair is made up of keratinized protein, a protein-rich diet is the best choice to embark on this hair care journey. Various studies have suggested a strong association between iron deficiency and hair loss. Thus, it is vital to correct the body’s iron levels using supplements or prunes to restore the body’s depleted iron stores.

If the bald spots and receding hairline give you troubled times, here are some dietary modifications you can make. Eating lots of carrots (a source of Vitamin A) is beneficial not only to the eyes but also to the scalp’s strength, moisture, and shine. Vitamin C is a potent collagen booster; hence eating citrus fruits like oranges can be helpful. Packed with essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids, oats are critical boosters in hair growth. Ladened with additional vitamins like B12 (cobalamin) and B7 (biotin), eggs are probably the healthiest of all options in terms of hair regimen.

A study conducted on 120 women established that taking a supplement containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and antioxidants minimized hair loss and improved hair density.

2. Hot Tools

You can do your hair a huge favor just by restricting the use of hot tools like hairdryers and straighteners. When you plan to curl or straighten your hair using a hot wand or iron, it is best to use a heat-protecting spray beforehand to minimize the damage as much as possible.

3. Trim Your Hair Regularly

One essential step to add to a hair care routine is to get your hair trimmed regularly. Allowing the riddance of split ends by cutting them every six weeks or so can help your hair look healthier and fresher.

4. Identifying The Right Shampoo And Conditioner

Say no to paraben and sulfate-containing shampoos! These compounds are the worst enemies of healthy hair. Adding paraben-free and sulfate-free products to your regimen would naturally show a massive difference in your hair’s strength and texture.

One healthy habit that both dermatologists and hairstylists validate is integrating a deep conditioner into your hair regimen. A deep-conditioning ritual should be done once a week to provide your hair with extra hydration. This trick applies to all hair types.

Concurrently, it is essential to practice the following instructions to obtain maximized routine hair care outcomes;

Avoid scalding hot water to wash your hair.
Let your hair air dry.
Comb your hair when they are not wet to prevent falling off of hair.

Make it a habit to shampoo and condition your hair only on alternate days and preferably only two to three times a week. This is because shampoos’ damaging properties consistently surpass their nourishing features regardless of what companies might claim. Substitute daily showers with dry shampoos if you have excessively oily hair problems.

5. Are Leave-In Conditioners Worth the Investment?

Ever since the advent of leave-in conditioners, hair serums, and dry oils, they have become vital to people’s hair care routine. Customer surveys have yielded primarily positive feedback. The leave-in conditioners and serums would not guarantee any influence on hair’s long-term growth and development; however, they would instead make an instant solution to unmanageable and frizzy hair.

Individuals with oily hair can opt for oil-free formula and use a limited amount as using too much might make the hair look oilier. For dry hair, you can consider using some more of the product. However, it is recommended that a hair serum or ampoule containing moisturizing constituents such as honey, aloe vera gel, and other flower extracts may be used. Many newly launched products now offer an SPF property that can also help protect the hair from the ultraviolet rays and pollutants in the surroundings.

While it may just be a myth that the hair builds resistance to a product over the course, it is also true that the products need to be swapped with the changing weather. That is why it is significant to identify the right products that suit your hair each season.


It takes some time and many failed trials to eventually figure out the perfect hair care routine for you. The journey beyond this point is comfortable and is only made simpler and successful with compliance. In our modern world spurred by speed, it has become highly
challenging to spare some time for self-care. Hence, the instructions mentioned above are quick tips and habits that people can adopt without spending extra time and can still achieve the healthy hair they deserve.