There are quite a few options for hair removal, from waxing to threading and shaving to tweezing. However, laser hair removal provides a more permanent solution to getting rid of unwanted body hair to the root of the problem. 

Laser treatment is a medical procedure and precision work that targets each hair follicle individually. It helps remove unwanted hair from the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm and, bikini line. However, it is possible to treat excess hair in nearly any area, except the eyelid or around the eye area.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work? 

Laser hair removal is based on the principle of “selective photothermolysis.” During laser hair removal, a laser set at a designated wavelength emits a concentrated light absorbed by the pigment (melanin) contained within the hair, leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed. Then the energy from the light beam is converted to heat and carries through the hair shaft and into the hair bulb itself, damaging and killing the dermal papilla, which is responsible for feeding the hair bulb and regenerating the hair. This damage stops or slows down future hair growth.

Did you know that follicles grow in repeated cycles, and each cycle has three different stages? 

Laser Hair Removal & Hair Growth Cycle 

  • Anagen phase: The active and the most visible step of the growth cycle. When your hair grows, the hair follicle forms a new hair shaft while still attaching to the papilla. Only those in the Anagen phase are effective for laser hair removal. Moreover, only twenty percent of hair is actively growing during one Anagen phase, requiring multiple sessions to treat each hair at the optimal time. 

  • Catagen phase: The transitional stage occurs in between active and resting phases. Laser hair removal is not responsive during this phase.

  • Telogen Phase: The resting stage. Up to eighty of hair can be in the Telogen phase at any time. Laser hair removal is not responsive during this stage.

Color of the hair and skin type affect the success of laser hair removal. The basic principle behind laser hair removal is that the pigment of the hair, but not the pigment of the skin, should absorb the light. In other words, the laser should damage only the hair follicle while avoiding damage to the skin. Therefore, a fine contrast between hair and skin color — dark hair and light skin — results in the best outcomes.

The risk of damage to the skin is greater when there is little contrast between the hair and skin color, but recent advances in laser technology have made laser hair removal an option for people who have darker skin. At our clinic, we use MILESMAN Compact Blend- the first 4 wavelength laser (755nm/ 810 nm/ 940nm/ 1064nm). With well-accepted 810 nm and other proven wavelengths, this device improves penetration of depth and safety for darker skin while delivering greater effectiveness and outcome.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal is considered safe, but it can occasionally cause side effects, like red skin, pain, and discomfort that may last for some time. It may also not be suitable for everyone, including pregnant women and people with sensitive skin types. 

Is Laser Hair Removal Worth?

When considering the money spent on shaving creams, razors, tweezers, and charges for hair removal treatments like waxing or threading, laser hair removal is worth the price tag. The cost varies widely, depending on factors including the size of the area being treated and time needed for treatment, number of treatments required, etc. Ask for a consultation to get a thorough idea of the cost for your case. Laser hair removal also saves time, energy, and pain.

As mentioned earlier, laser hair removal is more than just “zapping” unwanted hair. It is a precise medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Therefore, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor and go to a certified dermatologist.
